
Cue View - Live Monitoring of Stage Stuff

Hi! Thanks for testing out this Alpha version of Cue View 2.

I’m totally expecting you to find new bugs! Please don’t share this widely.

Here’s how you can help!

  • Try stuff! I can’t test every software version and network situation myself.

  • Give me feedback! Is there some missing info about a device that you wish you could see in QLab? Is the UI terrible? Does a button look funny on your display? Is Cue View stable on your computer?

  • Suggest more devices to add! Cue View 2 introduces a plugin architecture that makes it easy to add more types of devices. If they talk over the network, I’m happy to add them.

If you have feedback, shoot me a twitter DM @alecsparks

Supports Basically Everything

  • QLab 4 by Figure 53
  • ETC Eos
  • Dataton Watchout
  • PJLink Projectors
  • X32 and X Air mixers

Live Updating

Updates to cues (fade times, names, numbers) are instantly reflected in Cue View. See adjustments to order, timing, labels, and grouping in real time.

Cue View automatically searches for devices on launch. Devices appear and start tracking in seconds.

Customizable Views

Monitor only the devices you care about, and ignore the rest. Save arrangements and switch between them. Make one view for consoles, one for projectors, and another for your media servers.

For Theatre People

Cue View is the perfect solution for theatre people of all stripes.

Stage Managers can see any addional cues or timing as they're adjusted. Musicians can reference a read-only view of any upcoming effects or click tracks. Production managers and teachers will love keeping an eye on show progress, even from their office!


(work in progress)


Getting Started

Networking Primer
